Backcountry Rise Race – Info

Saturday, August 17

The Backcountry Rise 50K race needs two or more hams to establish communications between Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center (the start / finish line) and Bear Camp aid station.  Both stations are located north of Mt Saint Helens.


Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center is a drive up location.  Bear Camp is a 4 mile hike in from Norway Pass Trailhead.  It’s recommended to hike into Bear Camp on Friday evening with the other aid station volunteers.


For the Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center ham operator, we can offer bunks for that person or persons if they want to stay Friday night, plus coffee, food, etc.


The race starts at 7AM at Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center.  Timeline for staging area is 7 AM start and would be done by 12:30 PM or so, when Bear Camp aid station closes.


The 50K sweeper is also a ham operator so we can stay in contact with them during the race.

August 17 (Saturday)

7:00 AM – Race Starts

12:30 PM – Bear Camp aid station cut-off time

Tillamook Burn Ultra Marathon
ICS Form 309 – Message & Action Log
Runner Tracking Worksheet (PDF) – use to track first male, first female, last runner, all bib numbers and drops.
Google Maps Points – Collection of Google Maps pins of all the aid stations.  You can import these map pins into your Google Maps.

If you would like to sign-up for this event, please contact the amateur operator organizer:

Max Sabo

(971) 300-4000