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March Monthly Meeting; Apr 14, 2025 – 6:30pm  

This meeting is in-person and Zoom.

Social, Pizza, and ELMER hour starts at 5:30pm.

In person location is:

Scouting America
9700 SW Nimbus Ave
Beaverton, OR 97008

Google Map Link:

Meeting Topic


Thomas will share his experiences and suggestions on activating POTA and SOTA sites.   Choosing good locations and equipment can make the activation successful and fun.


Many of us entered the ham radio hobby from building a crystal set or using a short wave receiver growing up. Tom Witherspoon, K4SWL, established his credentials in short wave radio before joining the ham radio ranks. Active in QRP as well as short wave listening, Tom is the founder of Ears to our World, a non-profit organization that brings radio to rural and undeveloped parts of the World. K4SWL joins Eric, 4Z1UG, in this QSO Today.

POTA Party April 19th, 2025 


Join us at a POTA event at Stub Stewart State Park.  We will setup the BuddiHex antenna with three stations on 20, 15, and 10M.  Its a great opportunity to activate the park.   Bring your family and enjoy some ham radio, a lunch BBQ, hiking, and fellowship.


Saturday April 19, 2025
Stub Stewart State Park
Hilltop Day Use Area
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM



Tillamook Burn

Public Service Event – Sign-Up

PARC will be hosting the communications for Tillamook Burn, a 50 mile and 50K race through the Tillamook Forest.

Saturday, May 10 – 50 Miler

Sunday, May 11 – 50K

Signup using the button below.  Remember, Sunday is Mother’s Day.  Make her proud by helping with emergency communications!

Tillamook Burn Sign-Up Page

Tillamook Burn Ultra Marathon

Donate to the club

We sincerely appreciate your support!  PARC is a 501(c)3 (nonprofit) organization and donations are tax deductible.

Join the club

Starting at $20/year, Portland Amateur Radio Club membership is one of the best deals in amateur radio.


Find out about our upcoming events. 


History of PARC

Portland Amateur Radio Club (PARC) has been serving the amateur radio community and the City of Portland, Oregon, since 1941.

The club call is W7LT.

Weekly Net

Join our weekly net, every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm on 146.84 MHz.


Given the many online radio forums currently available to PARC members we no longer use for club announcements and we will slowly phase these groups out. For now, they are still accessible for members who have joined them. Please be sure to subscribe to our email list below to receive all announcements.

YouTube Channel

Many of our monthly meetings and Beginner Ham Radio meetings are available on the PARC YouTube Channel.  Check them out here.

Sign-up for the Portland Amateur Radio Club (PARC) email list, below.  We send out about 5-10 emails per month, announcing our meetings, events and club activities.

You can unsubscribe anytime by clicking on the Unsubscribe link in any of our emails.


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