August Monthly Meeting
August 12, 2024 – 6:30pm
This meeting is in-person and Zoom.
In-Person Location
Portland Fire & Rescue Training Center
4800 NE 122nd Ave
Portland, OR 97230
Google Map Link:
Parking Directions:
Meeting Topic
Node Red
Brian Stucker, KB2S, is a Design Director at Microsoft, who is very active in the amateur radio community in the Seattle area. He is the president of the Lake Washington Ham Club (an inclusive community for hams of all skill levels) and vice president of the MicroHAMs radio club, which focuses heavily on digital communications and more technical subjects. His radio interests span from low-level hardware and antennas to creating custom UI/UX design solutions for more complex station operations.
Node-Red is a system that enables custom station automation through a web browser that can span across a wide variety of devices. The system can be used to implement features that the original hardware never envisioned such as custom fan behaviors, improved accuracy of meters, and interlocks that prevent the system from being configured incorrectly. Brian will show us the basics to get started with Node-Red and a few demonstrations that show what can be accomplished at a variety of skill levels.